Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Camp Part 4

And some more pictures.
A picture with my friends.
 Judges for the best cup cakes.
 We had to make the tallest building out of the straws.
My team won.

 Here are the cup cakes.
 Tasting them.

 The last day. We all got in a circle and said what we 
really enjoyed.

 And then a group picture with the campers.

 She worked at PKRC for 8 years. And know she is leaving
for a different Job.
 Saying good byes.
 Going back.

 We stopped at Cracker Barrel and had lunch.

That was the end of our Camp trip to PKRC.

Erika Minich

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family adores cracker barrel!