Monday, August 26, 2013

The Last week of August

Well, This month has been busy. Sorry to all my readers about not posting sooner.
This month has been crazy and I haven't had a lot of time.
I have a enjoyed a great summer volunteering at Scottish Rite,
also my brother and his family have moved from Washington D.C. and stayed with
us for a while and we hosted a big wonderful family.
The pictures below say everything.
Volunteering at Scottish Rite.
I was able to have Lunch with my Doctor and his wife which
was beyond a blessing.

I got to ride a horse for my late birthday gift From my sweet
sister Alli.
Thank you!

Her  and I both got to ride.

I really enjoy horses.

And so does Alli

This is Joe's son Sam whom we got to take boating with us

My amazing Father.

This was the family we hosted.

All of also got haircuts from our sister-in-law

My awesome brother Joe caring his baby

She cut 10 inches off.

Miss beautiful Alli

Last but least was me.
She trimmed my hair.

I can be very series sometimes.

Thanks for reading and I hope to keep up more.

Erika M.

1 comment:


WOW, I cant wait to see you guys' hair in person!