Saturday, March 6, 2010

Minestry group

Tonight is Saturday night and we are atmy friends house. Every other Saturday my friends does a mnustry group. We had a great time there. It starts at 6:00. You come have dinner and have desirt. After dinner all the poeple sit down in the livingroom. Then we read thru some
of the Bible. You talk about the verse you read. Next we prayed for the poeple that needed the prayer. After the prayer all the kids go up stars to play games. Some play video games, some play Mom and Dad, and some play other games. Then poeple lieve when they want to. Some stay a short time and some stay long. Enyway we have lts of fun at ministry group.

The End


Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun thing to do on a Saturday!

Erika Noelle said...

I know we had lots of fun. Today we went to my friends house again for her sisters birthday party. We had lots of fun there two.


Christie M said...

Hi Erika,

I like ministry group too. It is very fun to stay and enjoy the evening with friends.